Nightengale Press and Meadowlark Film Productions LLC work together to find great stories, some from books, some as original screenplays. The screenplays listed below are from the books and imagination of our founder, because during the hiatus of Covid, there was ample time to work on such things.
Our goal is to populate the independent film world with the stories from books by Authors among our creators, adapted to film and television by Screenwriters from our ranks, and imagined and produced by Directors, Producers and Filmmakers who join our listings who want to benefit from the growing content we present here.
Click the Meadowlark Logo to the left or in the header to visit the site.
A World Class Sci-Fi Musical Feature Film
based on the 2016 Stage Play Fearless!
[Currently in Development]
A Suspense Thriller based on the novel, Sidetracks
A Suspense Thriller based on the yet to be published novel, No Tomorrow
A Suspense Thriller based on
the novel, Sacred Night
Adapting a novel to the screen takes time, skill and the ability to retain the vision of the original story into the confines of 120 pages or less of a screenplay, which is mostly dialogue and very short descriptions of scenes, action and shots. The screenwriter must love the story and be able to take the most visual and story-rich parts of the novel and craft them into the film so the viewer still feels the author's original intent. Done well, the film feels true to the novel.