Pricing is subject to change. We do not offer payment online for these services. We have a comprehensive contract that favors the author which you are welcome to read and have your lawyer read as well. If you have questions, we are happy to answer them personally via Zoom or by phone. Once the contract is signed and payment is made, the project moves forward until completion with no further reference to money no matter how long it takes to complete your book.
Ebooks and Author eCommerce websites are also available as add-ons for Basic, Deluxe and Premium Packages if desired. Quoted separately.
• Complete LIGHT copyediting, which means to correct all errors in grammar, spelling, syntax and usage; point out wordy paragraphs and passages to the author for revision while working with the author during editing sessions.
• Detailed proofreading of the work to produce a near-perfect product.
• Ten (10) Author’s copies of black and white interior books, or five (5) copies of color interior books.
• For illustrated Children’s Books with little text, the editing fees may be applied to artist illustration of the book instead of to the text editing and proofreading services.
• Complete MEDIUM copyediting, which means to correct all errors in grammar, spelling and syntax and usage; point out wordy paragraphs and passages and discuss suggested revisions while working with the author during editing sessions.
• Detailed proofreading of the work to produce a near-perfect product.
• Fifteen (15) Author’s copies of black and white interior books, or seven (7) copies of color interior books.
• Complete HEAVY developmental editing, which means to correct all errors in grammar, spelling, syntax and usage; rework wordy paragraphs and passages while working with the author during editing sessions to bring the manuscript to its highest potential both as a literary work and as a marketable work.
• Detailed proofreading of the work to produce a near-perfect product.
• Twenty (20) Author’s copies of black and white interior books, or ten (10) copies of color interior books.
• Complete HEAVY developmental editing, which means to correct all errors in grammar, spelling, syntax and usage; rework wordy paragraphs and passages while working with the author to bring the manuscript to its highest potential both as a literary work and as a marketable work.
• Detailed proofreading of the work to produce a near-perfect product.
• Thirty (30) Author’s copies of black and white interior books, or fifteen (15) copies of color interior books.
PLUS Conversion to Ebook for the iPAD, Kindle, Kobo and 60 additional global channels.
PLUS an eCommerce Author website where you can sell your books directly to readers to earn more per book sold --- much more.
• Ghostwriting the book, which means to write an original manuscript or rewrite the author’s original manuscript for the author to its highest potential both as a literary work and as a marketable work, while also providing complete accuracy in grammar, spelling, syntax and usage.
• Detailed proofreading of the work to produce a near-perfect product.
• Fifty (50) Author’s copies of black and white interior books. Not available for color books.
PLUS Conversion to Ebook for the iPAD, Kindle, Kobo and 60 additional global channels.
PLUS an eCommerce website where you can sell your books directly to readers to earn more per book sold --- much more.

ALL Soup-to-Nuts Packages
include these items:
Upload of fully edited and proofread, publishing ready digital text files to Lightning Source Inc., our preferred printer for purposes of creating the best possible product of the Work
Cover conceptual art
Interior Layout of the Work
Cover Layout of the Work
Upload of publishing ready digital cover files to Lightning Source Inc., our preferred printer Publisher for purposes of creating the best possible product of the Work
One PDF proof copy of the Work for approval or changes
One PDF revision copy of the Work after changes
Conversion of the digital publishing ready manuscript and cover to .PDF format;
Management of the project from start to finish
ISBN number registration with RR Bowker, and wholesale distribution with Ingram and Baker & Taylor
FREE Author’s copies of black and white interior book, or color interior books as detailed in each listing
A listing of the Work on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, along with 60+ online stores around the globe.
If an author does not feel able to actively sell his books, he should not publish a book. This is true no matter who the publisher may be.
All authors will benefit from our 100% ROI (Return On Investment) book purchase program, where all authors earn 100% royalties until their publication fees are recouped.
Typically, this can be accomplished with the author's direct sale of his books purchased at the ROI price schedule of print cost plus shipping and handling. This method typically affords $10 or more in profit per book, after payment of print cost and S&H. Also, sales from all other sources (main stream online stores, independent bookstores, etc.) are paid at the 100% royalty until the publication fee is recouped.
Our authors are NOT required to purchase in bulk. Authors can purchase in smaller increments if desired. Typically, our authors purchase 50 to 100 books to start, but there is no minimum and no maximum purchase. If you want more than 1000 books at one time, we will provide a quote for offset printed books, where the per unit cost goes down as the total number purchased goes up. In this case, authors can recoup their publishing fees even more quickly.
To recoup the BASIC package, you will need to sell approximately 350 books at author direct 100% ROI pricing. At book signings, on your own website, for book clubs, etc...
To recoup the DELUXE package, you will need to sell approximately 450 books at author direct 100% ROI pricing. At book signings, on your own website, for book clubs, etc...
To recoup the PREMIUM package, you will need to sell approximately 750 books at author direct 100% ROI pricing. At book signings, on your own website, for book clubs, etc...
To recoup the PLATINUM package, you will need to sell approximately 1000 books at author direct 100% ROI pricing. At book signings, on your own website, for book clubs, etc...
To recoup the TITANIUM package, you will need to sell approximately 2000 books at author direct 100% ROI pricing. At book signings, on your own website, for book clubs, etc...
Once the author's royalties have recouped the publication fee, all contractual publisher/author royalty splits go into effect. The author can purchase books at print cost plus 30% of retail and resell the books on their website, at book signings etc... at 100% retail to earn a 70% royalty per book. All books sold online from any source or through bookstores will provide the author a 50% royalty.
This 100% royalty structure is unmatched in the industry.